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The Arizona Young Professional Auxiliary exists to support Childhelp’s mission and bring awareness to the issue of neglect and child abuse. By combining charity and career development, the AZ Young Professionals Auxiliary is committed to fostering a generation of leaders and philanthropists of the future. We are a devoted team of young adults within Arizona who are passionate about our community and committed to creating positive change. Our auxiliary meets regularly to advance Childhelp’s cause, while working to develop our networks and careers.

We are now accepting new members!

You can complete your Auxiliary Membership application and pay your Member Dues online.
You will be redirected to SignNow
Membership Perks
  • Have a true and lasting impact on the lives of abused and neglected children.
    • Your involvement with Childhelp through this auxiliary will naturally raise your personal awareness about the issue of Child Abuse.
    • Your work will directly help children in need and set them on a course of rehabilitation which will have a positive impact on the rest of their lives.
  • Post-graduate & early career charity involvement
    • Childhelp Young Professionals recruits individuals looking to be involved in charity and non-profit organizations during and after their college career.
    • Our auxiliary allows members to continue to pursue their altruistic spirit into their adult lives.
  • Develop as a professional
    • Our auxiliary blends our mission of charity with building careers and professional knowledge.
    • Our auxiliary hosts bi-monthly speakers and development workshops with CEO’s, elected officials, Childhelp celebrities, and philanthropists.
    • Join the mentorship program and get matched with an older member of the auxiliary for quarterly meetings ranging from career path planning, key business skill building, and life, spiritual, and family advice.
  • Help build a brand with our new auxiliary
    • As a auxiliary founded in 2021, you have the opportunity to be a founding member and leave your blueprint on how to build, brand, and organize a charity organization.
  • Start a life-long Childhelp journey
    • Childhelp has a diverse and successful group of volunteers and contributors. Membership in our auxiliary starts young professionals on the pathway to a life of contribution to Childhelp.
    • Build a network with like-minded individuals that last a lifetime sharing a passion for volunteerism, leadership, and Childhelp.

Arizona Young Professionals Chapter Board Members

Dominic Frattura
Sara Ritterling
Marketing and PR Chair
Andrew Kalthoff
Membership Chair
Andrew Hoiby
Natalie Adams
Auxiliary Membership Dues

You can easily pay your auxiliary membership dues right here!
Simply complete the form below to pay your member dues online.